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Royal Mint - Digital Experience

Two children interacting with a 55" touchscreen displaying a number of coins.

In early 2016, we had just published our third adventure game on Steam and were contracting on two further adventure games. We were due to start work on a VR project but a scheduling change led to us taking on a collaboration with Figment Productions for the Royal Mint Experience in Cardiff.


Though we didn't realize it at the time, this chain of events was the catalyst that led to the company pivoting from entertainment experiences into museum and visitor attraction software. We soon realized that the skills we'd picked up working in game development were remarkably useful when carried over to on-site experiences and visitor navigation apps. They gave us new perspectives on existing problems and gave rise to new, innovative solutions.

The Royal Mint wanted a set of six interactive visitor exhibits for the grand opening of The Royal Mint Experience at the visitor center in Cardiff. The centerpiece was the "Collectors' Coins and their Origins" exhibit which is displayed on a 55" touchscreen table. In order to develop for this hardware remotely, without any access to the hardware, we had to create a touchscreen emulation layer on our software which would enable us to simlate touchscreen gestures on a regular PC with mouse and keyboard.

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